baru belajar from batak ppl HORAS means HELLO...
just got back from holiday kelmarin..
with my friends and asrul..
penat sgt nih..
makan pun byk..
sebab kat sana mkn xsedap langsung..
semalam pergi rumah nad hantar gambar2 budak2 melaka..
she's so excited and nampak berseri2..
yelaa 5weeks lagi naik pelamin..
she so lucky to have fadel as her soulmate..
dapat kahwin cepat!!
baju pengapit belum siap lagi..
MIXORA ni lambat laa..
xsabar nak tgk hasil design sendiri (org tu yg buat sketch, i ckp jer)..
nanti update lagi!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
happy mother's day to shaliza mohd kidir..
hello..dear blog..
dah lama xblogging..
rindu pulak..
biasa lah sibuk dgn final..
5paper dah lepas..
one more to go...
semua paper memang teruk sangat2..
none of those paper i feel very confident..
for me kalau dpt 3 pointer bersyukur sgt2..
n if dpt DL memang bonus for me..
paper culture tadi bole lah jwb tapi mcm byk merapu..
its like i da fed up nak jwb paper exam..
luckily tak amik paper PD..
kalau tak jadi lah aku zombi kampung pisang tiga paper berderet..
n this month mother's day..
happy mother's day to all especially to my sis in law shaliza mohd kidir..
dah lama xblogging..
rindu pulak..
biasa lah sibuk dgn final..
5paper dah lepas..
one more to go...
semua paper memang teruk sangat2..
none of those paper i feel very confident..
for me kalau dpt 3 pointer bersyukur sgt2..
n if dpt DL memang bonus for me..
paper culture tadi bole lah jwb tapi mcm byk merapu..
its like i da fed up nak jwb paper exam..
luckily tak amik paper PD..
kalau tak jadi lah aku zombi kampung pisang tiga paper berderet..
n this month mother's day..
happy mother's day to all especially to my sis in law shaliza mohd kidir..
she is my only kakak ipar yg rock and very sporting..
love u kak jaja..

to all daughter and son please take care of your mother and love them as much you can..
please don't let them down..
dah two years tak sambut mother's day wif my late mother..
miss her so much..
Monday, April 13, 2009
wahai kawan kawan ku..
i miss my subang's friends..
where r they??what they r doin??
i thought im goin to meet them up this week..
but looks like they r not back yet from shah alam..
they claimed they are busy with their assignment..
i understand that..
this morning baru excited nak jumpe intan but she cancelled it last minute coz she had a group disscussion..
sarah maybe tgh syok dating ngan anas kot.. heheh...
baru bercinta katakan..
farah pon dah lama tak roger die n fatin jugak..
hazwani lak sibuk dgn kolej die..
hidup kat shah alam n melaka is totally different..
i miss them so much!!
hope that we can meet up and lepak2 and movie maybe..
a lots of gossip nak beritahu nih..
tomorrow ill be off to melaka for the BEL class..
cause budak2 ni tak habis prsentation diaorg...
balik hari jer besok.. melaka to subang takes only 2 hours jer..
untill now.. dah malas nak tulis nih..
where r they??what they r doin??
i thought im goin to meet them up this week..
but looks like they r not back yet from shah alam..
they claimed they are busy with their assignment..
i understand that..
this morning baru excited nak jumpe intan but she cancelled it last minute coz she had a group disscussion..
sarah maybe tgh syok dating ngan anas kot.. heheh...
baru bercinta katakan..
farah pon dah lama tak roger die n fatin jugak..
hazwani lak sibuk dgn kolej die..
hidup kat shah alam n melaka is totally different..
i miss them so much!!
hope that we can meet up and lepak2 and movie maybe..
a lots of gossip nak beritahu nih..
tomorrow ill be off to melaka for the BEL class..
cause budak2 ni tak habis prsentation diaorg...
balik hari jer besok.. melaka to subang takes only 2 hours jer..
untill now.. dah malas nak tulis nih..
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Type B
Kamu seorg yg trendy dan suka bersosial.
Kamu masih belum bersedia utk menjadi isteri dan ibu.
Individu ini tidak gemar tinggal di rumah sepanjang hari.
Kamu kerap menghabiskan masa bersama teman2 dan bijak membawa diri.
Dalam pada itu kamu berusaha memperbaiki diri utk menjadi seorg ibu dan isteri yg baik.
Kadangkala,kamu agak egois,namun krn kamu sangat mempersona,teman dan suami tidak sampai hati untuk memarahi kamu.
Satu perkara lagi,kamu adalah individu yg boros.Awas!!!…?
found this in post one of the blogger..
hope he dont mind i copied it..
this is so me..
OMG... tak sangka!!
1st week of April
this week...
monday blues....
tuesday presentation...
wednesday dinner..dissapointment..
thursday..nothing special..
friday.. test n a fight...
i think this week is most terrible week for me..
i had PMS maybe n too much works therefore i easily get piss off...
PMS please dont do this to me..
Works.. stress wif my group assignment n all the quizzes n tests..
im sorry my dear.. i hope u understand..
im a bit sensitive lately...u r very important in my life..
please dont go anywhere i need u rite now..
i know dat u r reading this since u r my no 1 reader...
i know i hv been selfish coz only thinkin bout my problems..
we make things works ok...
we fix it together ok...
after all 4 years every single things dat u done for me
ur sacrifice are very precious...
thank you for being a bf dat really loves me..
i love u sayang...thanks...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
back to work but nak tidur dulu..
adoiii...so many works need to be done...
dah tahu banyak kerja lagi nak online...
isk...i shudnt do this...posting this..
i need a rest now.. tadi naik bus kul 4pm dari puduraya..
penat...tapi xde mood nak tido, buat kerja n sewaktu dgn nya...
tido pon kene ade mood... biar aman jer tdo nnti...
yela kadang2 ade time bile kita nak tido tapi byk benda dlm kepala otak ni sampai buat kita tak leh nak tido...
but i just teringat kat one of my BFF nadiah azmi..
b4 kiteorg nak pergi tido mesti ckp...
"harap2 kite tido rase mcm tido selama 6jam"
padahal tido sejam jer...tapi...
u know wat it really works...
buat mcm ni jer le puaskan kami tido..
i miss her..
yela sekarang die kat s alm n i kat melaka...
jarang dpt jumpe..after she married lagi susah nak jumpe kot...
wedding yang paling ditunggu2 this year on june..
heheheh...atlast one of my closest fren are getting married...
i bile lagi.. belum difikirkan lagi...
dah tahu banyak kerja lagi nak online...
isk...i shudnt do this...posting this..
i need a rest now.. tadi naik bus kul 4pm dari puduraya..
penat...tapi xde mood nak tido, buat kerja n sewaktu dgn nya...
tido pon kene ade mood... biar aman jer tdo nnti...
yela kadang2 ade time bile kita nak tido tapi byk benda dlm kepala otak ni sampai buat kita tak leh nak tido...
but i just teringat kat one of my BFF nadiah azmi..
b4 kiteorg nak pergi tido mesti ckp...
"harap2 kite tido rase mcm tido selama 6jam"
padahal tido sejam jer...tapi...
u know wat it really works...
buat mcm ni jer le puaskan kami tido..
i miss her..
yela sekarang die kat s alm n i kat melaka...
jarang dpt jumpe..after she married lagi susah nak jumpe kot...
wedding yang paling ditunggu2 this year on june..
heheheh...atlast one of my closest fren are getting married...
i bile lagi.. belum difikirkan lagi...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
this week
this week quite tough..
too many assignments, too many arguements, too many quizzes, too many things to think n do..
assignment belambak tapi malas nak buat.. feels like i want to give up..
i want to be a housewife..penat jer belajar...
i need a holiday maybe..
tomorrow im goin back home..
n suprisingly by bus..
lama tak naik bus..asrul need to stay here for the FPP sports day..
im goin to miss u..yela selalu hari2 jumpe hari2 buat benda same2...
but on the other hand, im so excited to see my niece n nephew..
my hud... last time i saw him, he
doesnt recognize me.. so sad..
he even ran away when i started to give him a kiss on his cheeck..
another thing talkin about holiday.. some of my friends suggested me to go
'BAG PACK TO THAILAND' it sounds interesting because
we will go to thailand by train for 12 hours...
mesti sakit punggung...hahahahah..but this holiday is all about adventure.. redah hutan belantara gitu kot.. not sightseeing at the beach or shopping2...
i think i need to think bout it first...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
race to the witch mountain
just now went for a mid nite movie wif asrul at dataran pahlawan..
movie dat we watched race to the witch mountain...
thought that there is a witch at the mountain but the movie is only about alien with a mission trying to save our planet..not about witch with magical powers yadayada..
this movie is not too boring and not too fun to watch..
asrul fall asleep.. he said...
for me this movie is just an average movie..
before that we went to jonker walk for a cendol..
then went to jetty plan to karaokeing there but it wasnt our luck..
movie dat we watched race to the witch mountain...
thought that there is a witch at the mountain but the movie is only about alien with a mission trying to save our planet..not about witch with magical powers yadayada..
this movie is not too boring and not too fun to watch..
asrul fall asleep.. he said...
for me this movie is just an average movie..
before that we went to jonker walk for a cendol..
then went to jetty plan to karaokeing there but it wasnt our luck..
jetty karaoke was full house..
after walking miles from jetty we went to kota laksamana for asam pedas ikan tenggiri...
i have to control my diet actually ..
i think that i have been eating too much when i feels tense..
eating is the best medicine for me..
i should stop eating fast foods junk foods can foods.. anything in instant..
huhh.. hopefully i can maintain my weight n balance my diet..
u r talking bout 'for the sake of friendship' nak tolong kawan but then u suddenly get mad infront of our classmate and say the F word.. weird!! just go..
after walking miles from jetty we went to kota laksamana for asam pedas ikan tenggiri...
i have to control my diet actually ..
i think that i have been eating too much when i feels tense..
eating is the best medicine for me..
i should stop eating fast foods junk foods can foods.. anything in instant..
huhh.. hopefully i can maintain my weight n balance my diet..
u r talking bout 'for the sake of friendship' nak tolong kawan but then u suddenly get mad infront of our classmate and say the F word.. weird!! just go..
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