this week quite tough..
too many assignments, too many arguements, too many quizzes, too many things to think n do..
assignment belambak tapi malas nak buat.. feels like i want to give up..
i want to be a housewife..penat jer belajar...
i need a holiday maybe..
tomorrow im goin back home..
n suprisingly by bus..
lama tak naik bus..asrul need to stay here for the FPP sports day..
im goin to miss u..yela selalu hari2 jumpe hari2 buat benda same2...
but on the other hand, im so excited to see my niece n nephew..
my hud... last time i saw him, he
doesnt recognize me.. so sad..
he even ran away when i started to give him a kiss on his cheeck..
another thing talkin about holiday.. some of my friends suggested me to go
'BAG PACK TO THAILAND' it sounds interesting because
we will go to thailand by train for 12 hours...
mesti sakit punggung...hahahahah..but this holiday is all about adventure.. redah hutan belantara gitu kot.. not sightseeing at the beach or shopping2...
i think i need to think bout it first...